


“Implementing Circular Bioeconomy in Practice at Local Level” is the new project the PRO CIVIS Foundation will execute jointly with the Ressurs & Miljø AS (Oslo, Norway) between June 2023 and May 2024.

The project activities are addressed to the local and regional authorities from the Świętokrzyskie Region, Poland. Norwegian and Polish experts will present the already existing good cases and jointly – with the local societies – work out the concepts for making bioeconomy successfully work at local levels.

The focus of the project activities will be placed on the needed linkages between policy initiatives on local level and the establishment of new SMEs making business from bioeconomy, especially in the sectors of:

  • renewable energy
  • thermal biomass
  • biorefinery processes (bio char, biogas)
  • and wood products.

The developed concepts will constitute the process innovation – meaning the model for the implementation of new cooperation method leading to local benefits from the bioeconomy operations.

The project is financed by the Fund for Bilateral Relations of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (“BILATERAL INITIATIVES IN THE AREA OF GREEN TRANSITION”).