LEM – diffusion of innovation among SMEs

The Foundation implemented the project in cooperation with EPRD Office for Economic Policy and Regional Development. A web service platform called “LEM” was created as a part of the project to support companies, scientific entities and business environment institutions. It has a social character and provides entrepreneurs with a number of benefits through innovative solutions available on-line. The aim of the project was to provide high quality services in order to strengthen the innovative potential of enterprises and use it more efficiently.

The project had a nationwide character. A cycle of 60 information meetings was conducted in order to familiarize entrepreneurs from all over the country with the possibilities offered by the platform. Each of the meetings was averagely attended by over 10 representatives of companies from a given region. Within the project a research was conducted among entrepreneurs to illustrate cooperation with public administration and to define innovation development and commercialization of knowledge barriers. The “LEM” platform was popularized by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. The platform made it possible, among others, to:

  • access the knowledge bases and innovative solutions offered by scientific entities and the possibility to introduce ideas and solutions,
  • conduct accounting operations on goods and services using “eFirma” business application,
  • conduct projects in a common, interactive environment using project management applications,
  • create accounts for employees and manage their tasks using available tools,
  • store documentation and data using the cloud storage provided by the platform (“Repozytorium”)
  • simplify the process of making appointments due to the implementation of “eWizyta” online booking system, which enables the improvement of work organization in the company,
  • find technological or business partners, present offers, solutions and ideas, and reach a large number of entrepreneurs by means of an extensive search engine,
  • present the company’s offer via internet profile.