
Implementing Circular Bioeconomy in Practice at Local Level

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BioBoosters – boosting the circular transition

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Bio-based solutions for the humanitarian sector

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Non-chemical weed management in medicinal and aromatic plants

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Creation of Bio-Based Bioeconomy Education Centres

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Agricultural use of waste

Circular Economy Value Chain Publication

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Biobord platform supported by the RDI2CluB project

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Smart Bioeconomy Clusters and Innovation Ecosystems

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Foundation for Education and Social Dialogue “Pro Civis” is a non-governmental, non-profit, independent organization integrating business and academia. Its mission concerns taking up initiatives for the support of cross-sectoral dialogue i.a. through initiation of partnerships between various entities. The Foundation works on the development of the society and economy through popularization of knowledge and sustaining the growth of entrepreneurship, especially in the fields of smart specialization and key enabling technologies. “Pro Civis” also realizes social innovations projects. It supports the initiatives serving the development, testing, and implementing innovative tools and methods of technics and technology management. The Foundation is particularly interested in the research and implementation projects helping overcome social and economic challenges of the 21st century.


The Foundation has constituted the Institute for Technics and Technology Management, which takes up initiatives for smart and sustainable economic growth. ITTM operates in the field of know-how commercialization and market implementation of new technological solutions. Its analyses and research cases help create the conditions necessary to the development of entities from various sectors.

The Foundation for Education and Social Dialogue “Pro Civis” is an associated member of BIC Bio-based Industries Consortium. The Foundation is actively engaged in the popularization of bio-based and circular economy. It works for the development of Europe’s technological potential considering the efficient use of natural resources. “Pro Civis” also supports the advancement of modern education systems as well as human resources development that is essential for building innovative and environmentally-friendly economy.

For more information concerning Europe’s strategy for the sustainable development please visit


The foundation takes up actions for the development of the entrepreneurship; it supports the initiatives for the rural areas as well as small and medium towns. It also provides individual and institutional support.

The Foundation for Education and Social Dialogue “Pro Civis” takes up initiatives for fighting the unemployment and reducing its outcomes. It activates the long-term unemployed people and those at risk of dismissal. It takes measures for increasing the employment of the youth, people in the pre-retirement age and the disabled. Through organizing trainings and courses the foundation positively affects the development of professional qualifications of the people who are at risk of dismissal.

Through incorporating local communities in the decision-making processes the foundation strengthens social participation. It also initiates and supports various cutting-edge projects and thus helps the families at risk of marginalization and social exclusion. At the same time it supports and initiates actions for the development of education, including civic education.


May 2024

New expert publication in the field of bioeconomy!

The Foundation for Education and Social Dialogue PRO CIVIS presents the new report “BioGoLocal – Implementing a circular bioeconomy at the local level”. The publication was prepared...
